Patricia Bucher studied fine arts in Zurich and New York. She graduated with honors in 2001 and has been working as an artist ever since. Now she lives in Zurich, teaches at Schule für Gestaltung in Aargau, studies at Institute Kunst HGK FHNW in Basel, and participates in numerous solo and group art projects all over Switzerland. She has received various grants and awards. Among other things, she was awarded the Manor Art Prize Central Switzerland in 2011. In the last few years, Patricia has created extensive work dealing with construction, signs, semantics, and language.
IMATELIER: Patricia, just recently you took part in the Diploma exhibition at Kunsthaus Baselland. You enrolled in studies atInstitute Kunst HGK FHNW in Basel while already being a recognized and successful artist for a while. What motivated you to go back to studies?
PATRICIA: Chus Martinez. She is the head of the Fine Arts Department. She's funny, cool, and very engaged in the art world. One thing she said: "To know how big the distance is between the nose and the ground, you have to wait until birth. You have to see if it has two legs or four. Then you can say how close the nose is to the ground."

IMATELIER: I know you are represented by the FORMA gallery in Lausanne. Finding the right team to work with is so important for every professional. I wonder how the artist and the gallery find each other - is there some special formula, a setup for success?
PATRICIA: Unfortunately, there is no formula. It involves constant production, recognizability, being out there, and getting to know the right people... doesn't it make you a boring person? Try showing commitment, dedication, and genuine interest. Have an opinion, support other (women) artists you like, and be political.
IMATELIER: Until 22nd November, your artworks can be seen at "10 Views on Berlin," a group exhibition at Stadtmuseum in Berlin. You have a history with the city. Tell us more about your experience in Berlin and why you moved to Zurich 7 years ago?
PATRICIA: It's the people I love in Berlin. I appreciate the openness, curiosity, and the tendency to be casual one day and dress up the next, to communicate directly, KLARTEXT, as they say. Unfortunately, there were too few opportunities for the many artists living there. It is changing now, and the city is making small steps in the right direction. I returned to Zurich in 2013 because I had the opportunity to teach at Schule für Gestaltung Aargau, but I still spend 1-2 months a year in Berlin, and it remains my home in many ways.

To follow the updates from Patricia visit www.patriciabucher.de